Winston High School had always been a name I was familiar with. When I was a boy in school myself, I don't recall playing Winston in anything. I am sure we crossed paths with them in the occasional basketball game or ran into them at a track meet from time to time. It was once I returned to my hometown as an educator that I really became aware of them. Once I joined the coaching ranks I was always impressed with their basketball and track teams. It always seemed that when they were good, they were VERY good and when they were bad, they were still pretty good. I always admired that. Competing against them in athletics was never easy.
Once I became an administrator, I became even more aware of them. I became aware that they were competitive not only in basketball but also softball and academic team. In many ways, Winston High School accomplished more than most thought a school this size should. I began to follow more closely and was regularly impressed with the way the students competed, they way the fans conducted themselves, and the way the community embraced and supported the school. I wanted those same things for my schools. In short, I was jealous.
These are the reasons I decided to come to work here at Winston High School, and these are also the reasons I am so excited for what this year will hold. As any student will tell you I am very proud to be a Redbird. But my excitement and my expectations do not begin and end on the basketball court or on the softball field. I am excited about the potential our school and community has. I want the name of Winston High School to be associated with greatness. I don't want us to be known as a school that is good at sports. I want us to be known as a school that is good at EVERYTHING! My motto for our school, and the focus of all I am trying to do here, is
Excellence in All We Do!
It is that thought of excellence that guides my actions as the leader of our high school. I want anything and everything that is associated with Winston to strive for excellence. My goal is to do our best to win every game we play, have the highest test scores in the area, have the best organizations, and create the best citizens. This is surely a lofty goal, and one that cannot be accomplished overnight, but I have seen this school and community do great things. I hope you all will help me strive for
Excellence in All We Do, because if we work hard towards excellence we will never be embarrassed by the results. I ask you all to join me in making our year, our school, and our community great. Get on the bus, let us see how far we can go.
It is a Great Day to be a Redbird!