Winston High School FCCLA participated in Region II STAR Events held at the Trenton First Baptists church on Tuesday, January 26. The Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and social issues through Family Consumer Sciences education. STAR Events, (Students Taking Action with Recognition) is a FCCLA program of competitive events designed to recognize individuals and chapters for their proficiency and achievement in chapter and individual projects, leadership skills and occupational preparation.

Each year regional contests are held in various subject areas whereby the Gold Medal Winners advance to State competition and possibly on to the National competition. The following Redbirds competed in the corresponding events: Tarryn Smith, Jordan Walker, and Tyler Muessig; Interpersonal Communications - Silver. Holly Caldwell; Career Investigation - Bronze. Thomas Gadd and Ross Nelson; Entrepreneurship - Bronze.
Maggie Farrell and Ashley Gadberry; Life Event Planning - Gold. Ashley Noel; Promote and Publicize FCCLA - Gold. Gillian Heldenbrand; FCCLA Knowledge - Gold. Delilah Gadd; Career Investigation - Gold. Elizabeth O'Dell and Lane Fortner; Interior Design - Gold. Also in attendance were katie Griffith (student judge), Ms. Angela McDaniel (judge), and Ms. Jody Yuille (chapter advisor and judge).
The students receiving the Gold Medal will be attending the State FCCLA Leadership Conference held at Tan-Tar-A on March 29-31. At the conference they will be representing Winston High School in the State Level STAR Events Competition.

On January 27 four Winston students attended the FCCLA Region II officer screening. Delilah Gadd, Ashley Gadberry, Lane Fortner, and Thomas Gadd (voting delegate) along with chapter sponsor Ms. Yuille attended the event. Officer candidates had to take a knowledge test, take part in an interview, and present a short speech over leadership. I am proud to say the two Redbirds were selected to serve as Region II officers in the coming year;
Lane Fortner was named to the office of Reporter and Ashley Gadberry was named Parliamentarian. Congratulations to all that applied.
It is a Great Day to be a Redbird!