Wednesday, September 20, 2017


The Faculty of Winston High School is honored to congratulate Braden Lee and Maggie Farrell for being named as our September Students of the Month.  The Student of the Month award is chosen by the teachers and administrators of Winston High School. The intent of the award is to recognize those students who exemplify the excellence we strive for in academics, character, and attitude.  It is the firmly held belief of the faculty and administration of Winston High School that strong students form the foundation for all of our school's accomplishments.  These are two of our finest students and they are a big reason why: It is a Great Day to be a Redbird!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


It has been several years since Winston High School had a Marching Band, well thanks to a persistent band director, and several motivated students, The Redbirds are once again on the move.  Over the past several weeks the Winston High School Marching Redbirds have been working towards the resurrection of their marching band.

There is of course still a lot to do.  Uniforms have to be cleaned and altered to fit our students, a banner has to be obtained, and of course marching has to be cleaned up.  However, so much work has already gone into it.  Ms. O'Dell has already procured 2 sousaphones for our low brass section, We have new drumline instruments, and kids have been dedicating time outside of the school day to getting ready.

At this time you will have the opportunity to see our Marching Redbirds, or at least parts of them, twice this year.  Our newly formed Drumline will be marching this Friday (9-22-17) in the Maysville Homecoming Parade which starts at 2:15.  Then you can catch the whole band at the MWSU Homecoming Parade in St. Joseph on October 28th.  Come out and support our students and show everyone why we believe: It is a Great Day to be a Redbird!

Friday, September 8, 2017


officer planning activities
For many school organizations, the summer is a time of rest and relaxation.  A time to get away from the business of the school year and recharge one's batteries before ramping up for the coming year.  FFA enjoys no such rest, however.  The summer is just as busy as the school year for this school activity.  While many kids are swimming, sleeping in, and forgetting about Algebra; FFA is busy learning and serving their community.

FFA Campers
During the summer, many FFA students attend FFA Camp.  This is an opportunity to connect with students from other chapters, to learn about leadership, and to strengthen your own local chapter.  This last year, Winston FFA had several students attend the FFA Camp.  They learned many skills that they will bring back to our school and community.

Fair Projects
Jesse James Parade
The summer is also fair and festival season.  The Winston FFA chapter was busy participating in several such activities. The FFA sponsored the 2nd annual pie baking contest at Jesse James Days as well as participating in the parade.  Additionally, FFA members participated in both the Davies County and Missouri State Fairs.

Back to School BBQ
The School year started off well for the chapter.  The FFA held its annual "back to school bbq" for its members and their families.  This gives families who are involved in the organization a chance to meet and enjoy some fellowship in a relaxed and comfortable environment.

Winston FFA with National VP, Valerie Early

On August 30th members of the Winston FFA Chapter traveled to Maysville to listen to a presentation by the National FFA Central Region Vice-President, Valerie Early.  This is an opportunity for students to hear directly from someone their age about all of the great things that FFA can provide for students, and all of the opportunities it can present.

 Of course, the school year is just getting started.  FFA will be busy all school year with activities for members, field trips, community service, and contest teams.  This is a part of the school unlike any other organization.  It has its roots in the very fabric of American agriculture and it is another reason why:  It is a Great Day to be a Redbird!