Thursday, October 22, 2015


Winston High School Junior Craig Lewis has been selected as one of two alternates to the National "19 and Under" Young Men's Fastpitch Team.  Team USA is composed of young men from all over the United States who will compete for our country in the World Tournament that will be held in Midland, Michigan in July of 2016.  At only 16 years of age, Craig is the youngest member of Team USA.  Being selected as one of only two alternates means that Craig will travel and train with the team over the next several months so if a spot should open up on the 17 man roster for any reason, he will be ready.

Craig's birthday would make him eligible for the next World Tournament also which will be held in 2018.  This year's tournament is special, however, because it is the first time that the games will be held on American soil since 1985.

Craig is the son of Eric and Deanna Lewis and is a stand-out student and athlete for the Redbirds.  I have no doubt that he will do an excellent job representing our school and community to the rest of the world.  Students like Craig are the biggest reason, It is a Great Day to be a Redbird!

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