The Winston Character Plus Committee had a busy week planning and celebrating not only Halloween but Red Ribbon Week. The local organization of Winston students planned dress-up days, door decorating, and handed out candy all week to students who displayed the "drug-free" ribbons and stickers. Red Ribbon Week is a Nationally recognized and celebrated week in schools from Kindergarten through High School. Students are reminded of the dangers of drugs and other destructive decisions, and are encouraged to stay drug free.

As the week wrapped up at Winston, the Character Plus Committee organized a Trunk-or-Treat and Chili Supper. The Trunk-or-Treat was well attended by many community children who braved frigid temperatures. A special thank you goes out to all of the community volunteers who were willing to stand in 30 degree temps and hand out candy to our local youth. The event couldn't have been a success without all of the volunteers.

Of course, the event culminated with everyone warming up with a Chili Supper. Attendees enjoyed steaming bowls of Homemade Chili and fresh brownies. The board of Education once again volunteered to serve the meal to the community. Over 60 people enjoyed the dinner. The Character Plus Committee and their sponsor Mrs. Pliley did an outstanding job with the whole week. Having kids like our Character Plus Students and faculty like Mrs. Pliley are two big reasons why:
It is a Great Day to be a Redbird!
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